{ "openapi": "3.0.0", "sections": [ { "title": "account", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Fetches the details for the account associated with the user agent.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/account", "title": "Get an account", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "Requires Authorization" } ], "response": { "example": { "administrator_role": null, "groups": [], "handle": "bob", "id": "test", "last_password_change": "2015-10-06T20:00:00Z", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": false, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false }, "primary_group": { "id": 5, "name": "Technician" }, "settings": { "quick_analyze_workflow": "pathoscope_bowtie", "show_ids": true, "show_versions": true, "skip_quick_analyze_dialog": true } }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Updates the account associated with the user agent.\n\nProvide a ``password`` to update the account password. The ``old_password`` must\nalso be provided in the request.\n\nThe ``email`` address is not currently used, but will be in future releases.", "example": { "email": "[email protected]", "old_password": "hello_world", "password": "foo_bar_1" }, "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "description": "an email address", "title": "Email", "type": "string", "name": "email", "required": false }, { "description": "the old password for verification", "title": "Old Password", "type": "string", "name": "old_password", "required": false }, { "description": "the new password", "title": "Password", "type": "string", "name": "password", "required": false } ], "path": "/account", "title": "Update an account", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid input" }, { "status": "401", "description": "Requires Authorization" } ], "response": { "example": { "administrator_role": null, "email": "[email protected]", "groups": [], "handle": "bob", "id": "test", "last_password_change": "2015-10-06T20:00:00Z", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": false, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false }, "primary_group": { "id": 6, "name": "Technicians" }, "settings": { "quick_analyze_workflow": "pathoscope_bowtie", "show_ids": true, "show_versions": true, "skip_quick_analyze_dialog": true } }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Deletes all API keys registered for the account associated with the user agent.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/account/keys", "title": "Purge API keys", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Lists all API keys registered on the account associated with the user agent.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/account/keys", "title": "List API keys", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "Requires authorization" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Creates a new API key on the account associated with the user agent.\n\nThe new key value is returned in the response. **This is the only response\nfrom the server that will ever include the key**.", "example": { "name": "Foobar", "permissions": { "create_sample": true } }, "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "description": "a non-unique name for the API key", "minLength": 1, "title": "Name", "type": "string", "name": "name", "required": true }, { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PermissionsUpdate" } ], "default": { "cancel_job": null, "create_ref": null, "create_sample": null, "modify_hmm": null, "modify_subtraction": null, "remove_file": null, "remove_job": null, "upload_file": null }, "description": "an object describing the permissions the new key will have. Any unset permissions will default to false", "title": "Permissions", "name": "permissions", "required": false } ], "path": "/account/keys", "title": "Create an API key", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid input" }, { "status": "401", "description": "Requires authorization" } ], "response": { "example": { "created_at": "2015-10-06T20:00:00Z", "groups": [], "id": "foobar_0", "key": "raw_key", "name": "Foobar", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": true, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false } }, "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Removes an API key by its 'key id'.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/account/keys/{key_id}", "title": "Delete an API key", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Fetches the details for an API key registered on the account associated with\nthe user agent.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/account/keys/{key_id}", "title": "Get an API key", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "created_at": "2015-10-06T20:00:00Z", "groups": [], "id": "foobar_0", "name": "Foobar", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": true, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false } }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Updates the permissions an existing API key registered on the account\nassociated with the user agent.", "example": { "permissions": { "modify_subtraction": true } }, "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PermissionsUpdate" } ], "description": "a permission update comprising an object keyed by permissions with boolean values", "title": "Permissions", "name": "permissions", "required": false } ], "path": "/account/keys/{key_id}", "title": "Update an API key", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid input" }, { "status": "401", "description": "Requires Authorization" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "created_at": "2015-10-06T20:00:00Z", "groups": [], "id": "foobar_0", "name": "Foobar", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": true, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": true, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false } }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Logs in using the passed credentials.\n\nThis creates a new session for the user with `username`. The session ID and\ntoken are returned in cookies.", "example": { "password": "p@ssword123", "remember": false, "username": "foobar" }, "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "description": "account password", "minLength": 1, "title": "Password", "type": "string", "name": "password", "required": true }, { "default": false, "description": "value determining whether the session will last for 1 month or 1 hour", "title": "Remember", "type": "boolean", "name": "remember", "required": false }, { "description": "account username", "minLength": 1, "title": "Username", "type": "string", "name": "username", "required": true } ], "path": "/account/login", "title": "Login", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid input" } ], "response": { "example": { "reset": false }, "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Logs out the user by invalidating the session associated with the user agent. A\nnew unauthenticated session ID is returned in cookies.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/account/logout", "title": "Logout", "errors": [], "response": { "status": "204" } }, { "description": "Resets the password for the account associated with the requesting session.", "example": { "password": "p@ssword123", "reset_code": "4bcda8b3bcaf5f84cc6e26a3d23a6179f29d356e43c9ced1b6de0d8f4946555e" }, "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "title": "Password", "type": "string", "name": "password", "required": true }, { "title": "Reset Code", "type": "string", "name": "reset_code", "required": true } ], "path": "/account/reset", "title": "Reset password", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid input" } ], "response": { "example": { "login": false, "reset": false }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Fetches the settings for the account associated with the user agent.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/account/settings", "title": "Get account settings", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "Requires authorization" } ], "response": { "example": { "quick_analyze_workflow": "pathoscope_bowtie", "show_ids": true, "show_versions": true, "skip_quick_analyze_dialog": true }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Updates the settings of the account associated with the user agent.", "example": { "show_ids": false }, "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AnalysisWorkflow" } ], "description": "workflow to use for quick analysis", "name": "quick_analyze_workflow", "required": false }, { "description": "show document ids in client where possible", "title": "Show Ids", "type": "boolean", "name": "show_ids", "required": false }, { "description": "show document versions in client where possible", "title": "Show Versions", "type": "boolean", "name": "show_versions", "required": false }, { "description": "don’t show the quick analysis dialog", "title": "Skip Quick Analyze Dialog", "type": "boolean", "name": "skip_quick_analyze_dialog", "required": false } ], "path": "/account/settings", "title": "Update account settings", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid input" }, { "status": "401", "description": "Requires Authorization" } ], "response": { "example": { "quick_analyze_workflow": "pathoscope_bowtie", "show_ids": false, "show_versions": true, "skip_quick_analyze_dialog": true }, "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "admin", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Starts an action with the given name.", "example": { "name": "relist_jobs" }, "method": "put", "parameters": [ { "description": "the action to run", "title": "Name", "type": "string", "name": "name", "required": true } ], "path": "/admin/actions", "title": "Initiate an action", "errors": [] }, { "description": "", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/admin/roles", "title": "List administrator roles", "errors": [], "response": { "example": [ { "description": "Manage who is an administrator and what they can do.", "id": "full", "name": "Full" }, { "description": "Manage instance settings and administrative messages.", "id": "settings", "name": "Settings" }, { "description": "Manage users in any space. Delete any space.", "id": "spaces", "name": "Spaces" }, { "description": "Create user accounts. Control activation of user accounts.", "id": "users", "name": "Users" }, { "description": "Provides ability to:\n - Create new spaces even if the `Free Spaces` setting is not enabled.\n - Manage HMMs and common references.\n - View all running jobs.\n - Cancel any job.\n ", "id": "base", "name": "Base" } ], "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Returns a paginated list of users.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/admin/users", "title": "Find users", "errors": [], "response": { "example": { "items": [ { "active": true, "administrator_role": "base", "b2c": null, "b2c_display_name": null, "b2c_family_name": null, "b2c_given_name": null, "b2c_oid": null, "force_reset": false, "groups": [], "handle": "leeashley", "id": "TxWalSSn", "last_password_change": "2023-03-20T22:46:26.151000Z", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": false, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false }, "primary_group": null }, { "active": true, "administrator_role": "full", "b2c": null, "b2c_display_name": null, "b2c_family_name": null, "b2c_given_name": null, "b2c_oid": null, "force_reset": false, "groups": [], "handle": "zclark", "id": "fb085f7f", "last_password_change": "2023-03-20T22:46:26.151000Z", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": false, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false }, "primary_group": null } ] }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Creates a new user.", "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "default": true, "description": "forces a password reset next time the user logs in", "title": "Force Reset", "type": "boolean", "name": "force_reset", "required": false }, { "description": "the unique handle for the user", "minLength": 1, "title": "Handle", "type": "string", "name": "handle", "required": true }, { "description": "the password for the user", "minLength": 1, "title": "Password", "type": "string", "name": "password", "required": true } ], "path": "/admin/users", "title": "Create a user", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Password does not meet length requirement" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" } ], "response": { "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Fetches the details of a user.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/admin/users/{user_id}", "title": "Get a user", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "User not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "active": true, "administrator_role": "base", "b2c": null, "b2c_display_name": null, "b2c_family_name": null, "b2c_given_name": null, "b2c_oid": null, "force_reset": false, "groups": [], "handle": "user_handle", "id": "TxWalSSn", "last_password_change": "2023-03-20T22:46:26.151000Z", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": false, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false }, "primary_group": null }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "", "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "description": "deactivate a user", "title": "Active", "type": "boolean", "name": "active", "required": false }, { "description": "Forces a password reset next time the user logs in", "title": "Force Reset", "type": "boolean", "name": "force_reset", "required": false }, { "description": "Sets the IDs of groups the user belongs to", "items": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "integer" }, { "type": "string" } ] }, "title": "Groups", "type": "array", "name": "groups", "required": false }, { "description": "the new password", "title": "Password", "type": "string", "name": "password", "required": false }, { "description": "Sets the ID of the user's primary group", "title": "Primary Group", "type": "integer", "name": "primary_group", "required": false } ], "path": "/admin/users/{user_id}", "title": "Update a user", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "User not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "active": true, "administrator_role": "base", "b2c": null, "b2c_display_name": null, "b2c_family_name": null, "b2c_given_name": null, "b2c_oid": null, "force_reset": false, "groups": [], "handle": "user_handle", "id": "TxWalSSn", "last_password_change": "2023-03-20T22:46:26.151000Z", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": false, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false }, "primary_group": null }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Updates the user's administrator role.", "example": { "role": "users", "user_id": "foo" }, "method": "put", "parameters": [ { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AdministratorRole" } ], "description": "the administrator role for the user", "name": "role", "required": false } ], "path": "/admin/users/{user_id}/role", "title": "Set administrator role", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "User not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "active": true, "administrator_role": "base", "b2c": null, "b2c_display_name": null, "b2c_family_name": null, "b2c_given_name": null, "b2c_oid": null, "force_reset": false, "groups": [], "handle": "user_handle", "id": "TxWalSSn", "last_password_change": "2023-03-20T22:46:26.151000Z", "permissions": { "cancel_job": false, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": false, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": false, "upload_file": false }, "primary_group": null }, "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "analyses", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Lists analyses based on a search `term`.\n\nThe response will only list analyses on which the user agent has read rights.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/analyses", "title": "Find analyses", "errors": [], "response": { "example": { "documents": [ { "created_at": "2022-08-15T17:42:35.979000Z", "id": "ofv7rp4v", "index": { "id": "u3lm1rk8", "version": 14 }, "job": { "id": "us3toy8j" }, "ready": true, "reference": { "id": "d19exr83", "name": "New Plant Viruses" }, "sample": { "id": "7tu8c5m5" }, "subtractions": [ { "id": "1sk885at", "name": "Vitis vinifera" } ], "updated_at": "2022-08-15T17:42:35.979000Z", "user": { "administrator": true, "handle": "mrott", "id": "ihvze2u9" }, "workflow": "pathoscope_bowtie" } ], "found_count": 2621, "page": 1, "page_count": 105, "per_page": 25, "total_count": 2621 }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Downloads analysis data in CSV or XSLX format. The returned format depends on\nthe extension included in the request path.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/analyses/documents/{analysis_id}.{extension}", "title": "Download an analysis", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Permanently deletes an analysis.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/analyses/{analysis_id}", "title": "Delete an analysis", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Fetches the details of an analysis.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/analyses/{analysis_id}", "title": "Get an analysis", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Parent sample does not exist" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Insufficient rights" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "created_at": "2022-08-15T17:42:35.979000Z", "files": [ { "analysis": "ofv7rp4v", "description": null, "format": "tsv", "id": 3145, "name": "report.tsv", "name_on_disk": "3145-report.tsv", "size": 4120, "uploaded_at": "2022-08-15T17:48:02.467000Z" } ], "id": "ofv7rp4v", "index": { "id": "u3lm1rk8", "version": 14 }, "job": { "id": "us3toy8j" }, "ready": true, "reference": { "id": "d19exr83", "name": "New Plant Viruses" }, "results": { "hits": [ { "abbreviation": "GLRaV3", "id": "6tli5mz3", "isolates": [ { "default": false, "id": "qauxg1g9", "sequences": [], "source_name": "WA-MR", "source_type": "isolate" } ], "length": 18671, "name": "Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3", "version": 30 } ], "read_count": 584, "subtracted_count": 0 }, "sample": { "id": "7tu8c5m5" }, "subtractions": [ { "id": "1sk885at", "name": "Vitis vinifera" } ], "updated_at": "2022-08-15T17:42:35.979000Z", "user": { "administrator": true, "handle": "mrott", "id": "ihvze2u9" }, "workflow": "pathoscope_bowtie" }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Downloads a file associated with an analysis. Some workflows retain key files\nafter the complete.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/analyses/{analysis_id}/files/{upload_id}", "title": "Download an analysis file", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "BLASTs a sequence that is part of a NuVs result record. The resulting BLAST data\nwill be attached to that sequence.", "method": "put", "parameters": [], "path": "/analyses/{analysis_id}/{sequence_index}/blast", "title": "BLAST a NuVs contig", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Parent sample does not exist" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Insufficient rights" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Sequence not found" }, { "status": "409", "description": "Analysis is still running" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "groups", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Lists all user groups. The group IDs and names are included in the response.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/groups", "title": "List groups", "errors": [], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Creates a new group with the given name.\n\nThe ``group_id`` parameter is deprecated and will no longer be accepted in a\nfuture major release. For now, ``group_id`` will be used as ``name`` if it is\nprovided.", "example": { "name": "Research" }, "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "description": "a name for the group", "minLength": 1, "title": "Name", "type": "string", "name": "name", "required": true } ], "path": "/groups", "title": "Create a group", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Group already exists" } ], "response": { "example": { "id": "research", "name": "Research", "permissions": { "cancel_job": true, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": true, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": true, "upload_file": true }, "users": [] }, "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Deletes a group by its 'group id'.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/groups/{group_id}", "title": "Delete a group", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Fetches the complete representation of a single user group including its\npermissions.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/groups/{group_id}", "title": "Get a group", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "Group not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "id": "technicians", "name": "technicians", "permissions": { "cancel_job": true, "create_ref": false, "create_sample": true, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": true, "upload_file": true }, "users": [ { "administrator": false, "b2c": null, "b2c_display_name": null, "b2c_family_name": null, "b2c_given_name": null, "b2c_oid": null, "handle": "leeashley", "id": "7CtBo2yG" } ] }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Updates a group's name or permissions.\n\nPermissions that are not included in the ``permissions`` object will retain\ntheir previous setting.", "example": { "name": "Managers", "permissions": { "create_ref": true } }, "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "description": "a name for the group", "minLength": 1, "title": "Name", "type": "string", "name": "name", "required": false }, { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PermissionsUpdate" } ], "description": "a permission update comprising an object keyed by permissions with boolean values", "title": "Permissions", "name": "permissions", "required": false } ], "path": "/groups/{group_id}", "title": "Update a group", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "Group not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "id": "technicians", "name": "Managers", "permissions": { "cancel_job": true, "create_ref": true, "create_sample": true, "modify_hmm": false, "modify_subtraction": false, "remove_file": false, "remove_job": true, "upload_file": true }, "users": [ { "administrator": false, "b2c": null, "b2c_display_name": null, "b2c_family_name": null, "b2c_given_name": null, "b2c_oid": null, "handle": "leeashley", "id": "7CtBo2yG" } ] }, "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "history", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Returns a list of change documents.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/history", "title": 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"status": "200" } }, { "description": "Cancels a job using its 'job id'.", "method": "put", "parameters": [], "path": "/jobs/{job_id}/cancel", "title": "Cancel a job", "errors": [ { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" }, { "status": "409", "description": "Not cancellable" } ], "response": { "example": { "acquired": true, "archived": false, "args": { "analysis_id": "rr8iryfy", "index_id": "u3lm1rk8", "ref_id": "d19exr83", "sample_id": "4eynwmic", "sample_name": "21BP088", "subtractions": [ "0nhpi36p" ] }, "created_at": "2022-07-08T18:37:44.936000Z", "id": "splu0pq3", "progress": 100, "rights": { "analyses": { "modify": [ "rr8iryfy" ], "read": [ "rr8iryfy" ], "remove": [ "rr8iryfy" ] }, "indexes": { "read": [ "u3lm1rk8" ] }, "references": { "read": [ "d19exr83" ] }, "samples": { "read": [ "4eynwmic" ] }, "subtractions": { "read": [ "0nhpi36p" ] } }, "stage": "", "state": "complete", "status": [ { "error": null, "progress": 0, 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"progress": 66, "stage": "assemble", "state": "running", "step_description": "Assemble reads using SPAdes.", "step_name": "Assemble", "timestamp": "2022-07-08T19:02:53.644000Z" }, { "error": null, "progress": 83, "stage": "process_fasta", "state": "running", "step_description": "Find ORFs in the assembled contigs.", "step_name": "Process Fasta", "timestamp": "2022-07-08T19:07:22.352000Z" }, { "error": null, "progress": 100, "stage": "vfam", "state": "running", "step_description": "Search for viral motifs in ORF translations.", "step_name": "Vfam", "timestamp": "2022-07-08T19:07:44.531000Z" }, { "error": null, "progress": 100, "stage": "", "state": "complete", "step_description": null, "step_name": null, "timestamp": "2022-07-08T19:13:04.293000Z" } ], "user": { "administrator": false, "handle": "jonathan", "id": "88yksx67" }, "workflow": "nuvs" }, "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "labels", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Lists all sample labels on the instance. Pagination is not supported; all labels\nare included in the response.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/labels", "title": "List labels", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid query" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Creates a new sample label.\n\nThe color must be a valid hexadecimal code.", "example": { "color": "#374151", "description": "dsRNA/binding protein", "name": "Binding protein" }, "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "default": "#A0AEC0", "description": "color of the label", "title": "Color", "type": "string", "name": "color", "required": false }, { "default": "", "description": "description of the document", "title": "Description", "type": "string", "name": "description", "required": false }, { "description": "unique name for the label document", "minLength": 1, "title": "Name", "type": "string", "name": "name", "required": true } ], "path": "/labels", "title": "Create a label", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid Input" } ], "response": { "example": { "color": "#374151", "count": 0, "description": "dsRNA/binding protein", "id": 23, "name": "Binding protein" }, "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Deletes an existing sample label.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/labels/{label_id}", "title": "Delete a label", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Fetches the details for a sample label.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/labels/{label_id}", "title": "Get a label", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "color": "#6B7280", "count": 0, "description": "dsRNA/Ab", "id": 22, "name": "Ab" }, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Updates an existing sample label.", "example": { "color": "#93C5FD", "description": "Field samples from 2022 harvest", "name": "Blueberry 2022" }, "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "description": "A hexadecimal color for the label", "title": "Color", "type": "string", "name": "color", "required": false }, { "description": "A longer description for the label", "title": "Description", "type": "string", "name": "description", "required": false }, { "description": "A short display name", "title": "Name", "type": "string", "name": "name", "required": false } ], "path": "/labels/{label_id}", "title": "Update a label", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Invalid input" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "color": "#93C5FD", "count": 0, "description": "Field samples from 2022 harvest", "id": 22, "name": "Blueberry 2022" }, "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "ml", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Lists all available machine learning models.\n\nThe `last_checked_at` field is the time at which the list of models was last\nrefreshed from www.virtool.ca.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/ml", "title": "List models", "errors": [], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Fetches the details of a machine learning model, including all of its releases.\n\nThe `releases` field comprises a list of all releases of the model that can be\ndownloaded.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/ml/{model_id}", "title": "Get a model", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Fetches the details of a machine learning model release.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/ml/{model_id}/releases/{release_id}", "title": "Get a model release", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Downloads the archived model release.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/ml/{model_id}/releases/{release_id}/model.tar.gz", "title": "Download a model release", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "otus", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Deletes and OTU and its associated isolates and sequences.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}", "title": "Delete an OTU", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "" }, { "status": "403", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "204" } }, { "description": "Fetches the details of an OTU.\n\nA FASTA file containing all sequences in the OTU can be downloaded by appending\n`.fa` to the path.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}", "title": "Get an OTU", "errors": [ { "status": "403", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Checks to make sure the supplied OTU name and abbreviation don't already exist\nin the parent reference.", "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "title": "Abbreviation", "type": "string", "name": "abbreviation", "required": false }, { "minLength": 1, "title": "Name", "type": "string", "name": "name", "required": false }, { "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OTUSegment" }, "title": "Schema", "type": "array", "name": "schema", "required": false } ], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}", "title": "Update an OTU", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "" }, { "status": "403", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Lists all the isolates and sequences for an OTU.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates", "title": "List isolates", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Creates an isolate on the OTU specified by `otu_id`.", "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "default": false, "title": "Default", "type": "boolean", "name": "default", "required": false }, { "default": "", "title": "Source Name", "type": "string", "name": "source_name", "required": false }, { "default": "", "title": "Source Type", "type": "string", "name": "source_type", "required": false } ], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates", "title": "Create an isolate", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Deletes an isolate using its 'otu id' and 'isolate id'.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates/{isolate_id}", "title": "Delete an isolate", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Fetches the details of an isolate.\n\nA FASTA file containing all sequences in the isolate can be downloaded by\nappending `.fa` to the path.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates/{isolate_id}", "title": "Get an isolate", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Updates an isolate using 'otu_id' and 'isolate_id'.", "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "title": "Source Name", "type": "string", "name": "source_name", "required": false }, { "title": "Source Type", "type": "string", "name": "source_type", "required": false } ], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates/{isolate_id}", "title": "Update an isolate", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Lists the sequences for an isolate.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates/{isolate_id}/sequences", "title": "List sequences", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "" }, { "status": "403", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Creates a new sequence for an isolate identified by `otu_id` and `isolate_id`.", "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "minLength": 1, "title": "Accession", "type": "string", "name": "accession", "required": true }, { "minLength": 1, "title": "Definition", "type": "string", "name": "definition", "required": true }, { "default": "", "title": "Host", "type": "string", "name": "host", "required": false }, { "title": "Segment", "type": "string", "name": "segment", "required": false }, { "minLength": 1, "pattern": "^[ATCGNRYKM]+$", "title": "Sequence", "type": "string", "name": "sequence", "required": true }, { "title": "Target", "type": "string", "name": "target", "required": false } ], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates/{isolate_id}/sequences", "title": "Create a sequence", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "" }, { "status": "403", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Deletes the specified sequence.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates/{isolate_id}/sequences/{sequence_id}", "title": "Delete a sequence", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Fetches the details for a sequence.\n\nA FASTA file containing the nucelotide sequence can be downloaded by appending\n`.fa` to the path.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates/{isolate_id}/sequences/{sequence_id}", "title": "Get a sequence", "errors": [] }, { "description": "Updates a sequence using its 'otu id', 'isolate id' and 'sequence id'.", "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "minLength": 1, "title": "Accession", "type": "string", "name": "accession", "required": false }, { "minLength": 1, "title": "Definition", "type": "string", "name": "definition", "required": false }, { "title": "Host", "type": "string", "name": "host", "required": false }, { "title": "Segment", "type": "string", "name": "segment", "required": false }, { "minLength": 1, "pattern": "^[ATCGNRYKM]+$", "title": "Sequence", "type": "string", "name": "sequence", "required": false }, { "title": "Target", "type": "string", "name": "target", "required": false } ], "path": "/otus/{otu_id}/isolates/{isolate_id}/sequences/{sequence_id}", "title": "Update a sequence", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "" }, { "status": "401", "description": "" }, { "status": "403", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "refs", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Lists references that match the find term.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/refs", "title": "Find references", "errors": [], "response": { "example": { "documents": [ { "cloned_from": { "id": "pat6xdn3", "name": "Plant Viruses" }, "created_at": "2022-01-28T23:42:48.321000Z", "data_type": "genome", "groups": [ { "build": false, "created_at": "2022-06-10T20:00:34.129000Z", "id": "sidney", "modify": false, "modify_otu": false, "remove": false } ], "id": "d19exr83", "internal_control": null, "latest_build": { "created_at": "2022-07-05T17:41:51.857000Z", "has_json": false, "id": "u3lm1rk8", "user": { "administrator": true, "handle": "mrott", "id": "ihvze2u9" }, "version": 14 }, "name": "New Plant Viruses", "organism": "virus", "otu_count": 2102, "task": { "id": 331 }, "unbuilt_change_count": 4, "user": { "id": "igboyes" }, "users": [ { "build": true, "id": "igboyes", "modify": true, 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Partial matches are supported.\n\nSupports pagination unless the `short` query parameter is set. In this case, an\narray of objects containing the `id` and `name` of every subtraction is\nreturned.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/spaces/{space_id}/subtractions", "title": "Find subtractions", "errors": [], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Creates a new subtraction.\n\nA job is started to build the data necessary to make the subtraction usable in\nanalyses. The subtraction is usable when the `ready` property is `true`.", "example": { "name": "Foobar", "nickname": "foo", "upload_id": 1234 }, "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "description": "A unique name for the host (eg. 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The request should contain a single\nfield ``file`` containing the file data.\n\nA file ``name`` and ``type`` must be included in the query string.", "method": "post", "parameters": [], "path": "/spaces/{space_id}/uploads", "title": "Upload a file", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "Requires authorization" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "created_at": "2022-01-22T17:28:21.491000Z", "id": 106, "name": "MPI19_L3_2.fq.gz", "name_on_disk": "106-MPI19_L3_2.fq.gz", "ready": true, "removed": false, "removed_at": null, "reserved": true, "size": 3356803271, "type": "reads", "uploaded_at": "2022-01-22T17:31:59.801000Z", "user": { "administrator": true, "handle": "mrott", "id": "ihvze2u9" } }, "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Deletes an upload using its 'upload id'.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/spaces/{space_id}/uploads/{upload_id}", "title": "Delete an upload", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "Requires authorization" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "status": "204" } }, { "description": "Downloads a previously uploaded file.\n\nHeaders:\n Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<name>\n Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/spaces/{space_id}/uploads/{upload_id}", "title": "Download an upload", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "subtractions", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Lists subtractions by their `name` or `nickname` by providing a `term` as a\nquery parameter. Partial matches are supported.\n\nSupports pagination unless the `short` query parameter is set. In this case, an\narray of objects containing the `id` and `name` of every subtraction is\nreturned.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/subtractions", "title": "Find subtractions", "errors": [], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Creates a new subtraction.\n\nA job is started to build the data necessary to make the subtraction usable in\nanalyses. The subtraction is usable when the `ready` property is `true`.", "example": { "name": "Foobar", "nickname": "foo", "upload_id": 1234 }, "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "description": "A unique name for the host (eg. 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"description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "count": 9, "created_at": "2021-12-21T23:52:13.185000Z", "deleted": false, "file": { "id": 58, "name": "arabidopsis_thaliana_+_plastids.fa.gz" }, "files": [ { "download_url": "/subtractions/q0ek30si/files/subtraction.1.bt2", "id": 39, "name": "subtraction.1.bt2", "size": 44200803, "subtraction": "q0ek30si", "type": "bowtie2" }, { "download_url": "/subtractions/q0ek30si/files/subtraction.2.bt2", "id": 37, "name": "subtraction.2.bt2", "size": 30000964, "subtraction": "q0ek30si", "type": "bowtie2" }, { "download_url": "/subtractions/q0ek30si/files/subtraction.3.bt2", "id": 42, "name": "subtraction.3.bt2", "size": 3275, "subtraction": "q0ek30si", "type": "bowtie2" }, { "download_url": "/subtractions/q0ek30si/files/subtraction.4.bt2", "id": 40, "name": "subtraction.4.bt2", "size": 30000958, "subtraction": "q0ek30si", "type": "bowtie2" }, { "download_url": "/subtractions/q0ek30si/files/subtraction.fa.gz", "id": 36, "name": 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subtraction as part of the creation job. They aren't\navailable for download until the job has completed and the `ready` field is\n`true`.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/subtractions/{subtraction_id}/files/{filename}", "title": "Download a subtraction file", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "tasks", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Lists all tasks active on the instance. Pagination is not\nsupported.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/tasks", "title": "List all tasks", "errors": [], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Fetches the details of a task.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/tasks/{task_id}", "title": "Retrieve a task", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "" } ], "response": { "example": { "complete": true, "context": { "user_id": "virtool" }, "created_at": "2021-11-24T19:40:03.320000Z", "error": null, "file_size": null, "id": 2, "progress": 100, "step": "remove_referenced_otus", "type": "delete_reference" }, "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "uploads", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Lists JSON details of all files uploaded to the instance.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/uploads", "title": "List uploads", "errors": [], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Accepts file uploads as multipart requests. The request should contain a single\nfield ``file`` containing the file data.\n\nA file ``name`` and ``type`` must be included in the query string.", "method": "post", "parameters": [], "path": "/uploads", "title": "Upload a file", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "Requires authorization" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "example": { "created_at": "2022-01-22T17:28:21.491000Z", "id": 106, "name": "MPI19_L3_2.fq.gz", "name_on_disk": "106-MPI19_L3_2.fq.gz", "ready": true, "removed": false, "removed_at": null, "reserved": true, "size": 3356803271, "type": "reads", "uploaded_at": "2022-01-22T17:31:59.801000Z", "user": { "administrator": true, "handle": "mrott", "id": "ihvze2u9" } }, "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Deletes an upload using its 'upload id'.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/uploads/{upload_id}", "title": "Delete an upload", "errors": [ { "status": "401", "description": "Requires authorization" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "status": "204" } }, { "description": "Downloads a previously uploaded file.\n\nHeaders:\n Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<name>\n Content-Type: application/octet-stream", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/uploads/{upload_id}", "title": "Download an upload", "errors": [ { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } } ] }, { "title": "users", "endpoints": [ { "description": "Find all Virtool users.\n\nThe ``active`` query parameter can be used to filter users by their active\nstatus.\n\nThe ``find`` query parameter can be used to filter users by partial matches to\ntheir handles.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/users", "title": "Find users", "errors": [], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Creates a new user.", "method": "post", "parameters": [ { "default": true, "description": "forces a password reset next time the user logs in", "title": "Force Reset", "type": "boolean", "name": "force_reset", "required": false }, { "description": "the unique handle for the user", "minLength": 1, "title": "Handle", "type": "string", "name": "handle", "required": true }, { "description": "the password for the user", "minLength": 1, "title": "Password", "type": "string", "name": "password", "required": true } ], "path": "/users", "title": "Create a user", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Password does not meet length requirement" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" } ], "response": { "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Creates the first user for the instance. This endpoint will not succeed more\nthan once.\n\nAfter calling this endpoint, authenticate as the first user and use those\ncredentials to continue interacting with the API.", "method": "put", "parameters": [ { "description": "the unique handle for the user", "minLength": 1, "title": "Handle", "type": "string", "name": "handle", "required": true }, { "description": "the password for the user", "minLength": 1, "title": "Password", "type": "string", "name": "password", "required": true } ], "path": "/users/first", "title": "Create a first user", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Bad request" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" } ], "response": { "status": "201" } }, { "description": "Fetches the details for a user.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/users/{user_id}", "title": "Retrieve a user", "errors": [ { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Updates and existing user with the provided parameters. Users cannot modify\ntheir own administrative status.", "method": "patch", "parameters": [ { "description": "make a user active or not", "title": "Active", "type": "boolean", "name": "active", "required": false }, { "description": "forces a password reset next time the user logs in", "title": "Force Reset", "type": "boolean", "name": "force_reset", "required": false }, { "description": "sets the IDs of groups the user belongs to", "items": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "integer" }, { "type": "string" } ] }, "title": "Groups", "type": "array", "name": "groups", "required": false }, { "description": "the new password", "title": "Password", "type": "string", "name": "password", "required": false }, { "description": "set the ID of the user's primary group", "title": "Primary Group", "type": "integer", "name": "primary_group", "required": false } ], "path": "/users/{user_id}", "title": "Update a user", "errors": [ { "status": "400", "description": "Bad request" }, { "status": "403", "description": "Not permitted" }, { "status": "404", "description": "Not found" }, { "status": "409", "description": "User is not member of group" } ], "response": { "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Lists all roles that a user has on the space.", "method": "get", "parameters": [], "path": "/users/{user_id}/permissions", "title": "List user roles", "errors": [], "response": { "example": [ "create_ref", "create_sample" ], "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Removes a permission for a user.", "method": "delete", "parameters": [], "path": "/users/{user_id}/permissions/{role}", "title": "Delete user permission", "errors": [], "response": { "example": true, "status": "200" } }, { "description": "Adds a role for a user.", "method": "put", "parameters": [], "path": "/users/{user_id}/permissions/{role}", "title": "Add user role", "errors": [], "response": { "example": true, "status": "200" } } ] } ], "sectionTitles": [ "account", "admin", "analyses", "groups", "history", "hmms", "indexes", "instance_message", "jobs", "labels", "ml", "otus", "refs", "samples", "settings", "spaces", "subtractions", "tasks", "uploads", "users" ], "version": "1.0.0" }